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Sets in Soccer

December 4, 2017

by Angel Lam and Neely Egan

Set Up 1


Area: middle circle of the field or a suitable size to fit 4 players

Players: 4

Equipment: balls, cones


The Rules


Set up four players to form a square in the center circle of the soccer field. Each player will be facing outside of the circle with their backs to one another. Set up a cone with 3 meters of distance in front of each player. Each player will be given two soccer balls to practice these fun skills!


The Drills


  1. Function: Each player dribbles at most one of his or her soccer balls to the cone. The player can choose not to dribble at all and practice jogging instead!

  2. Total: Each player dribbles at least one of his or her soccer balls to the cone. The player MUST dribble at least one of their soccer balls, or both (one at a time) if he or she so chooses. 



Set Up 2


Area: form a square of a suitable size with the center circle in the middle

Players: 4

Equipment: balls, cones


The Rules


Set up four players at a cone to form a square with the center circle in the middle.  Set up the cones with 3 meters of distance from the center circle. Each player will be given two soccer balls to practice these fun skills!


  1. Injection: Standing at the cone, each player dribbles at most one of his or her soccer balls to the center circle of the soccer field. The player can choose not to dribble at all and practice jogging instead!

  2. Surjection: Standing at the cone, each player MUST dribble at least one of their soccer balls, or both if he or she so chooses, to the center circle of the soccer field.


Video Explanation
The Relation Game


Now that your team has warmed up in their “sets” of skills, they can practice them in an interactive game! The Domain team will be the players standing on the left side (bird-eye’s view) and the Codomain team will be the players standing on the right side. Each Domain team member needs to have 2 balls. 



1.Surjective function: (Set up: 3 Domain players and 2 Codomain players) Each player of the Domain team passes at most one of his or her soccer balls, or none, to a Codomain player. Each player of the Codomain team must accept at least one ball from a Domain player. The player can accept multiple balls if he or she chooses*. 


2.Total injection: (Set up: 2 Domain players and 3 Codomain players) Each player of the Domain team must pass at least one of his or her balls to a Codomain player. The player can pass both balls if he or she chooses. Each player of the Codomain team can receive at most one of a Domain player’s balls. The player can choose not to accept any at all, but he or she is not allowed to accept more than one soccer balls*.


3.Total surjection: (Set up: 2 Domain players and 3 Codomain players) Each player of the Domain team must pass at least one of his or her balls to a Codomain player. The player can pass both balls if he or she chooses. Each player of the Codomain team must accept at least one ball from a Domain player. The player can accept multiple balls if he or she chooses*.


4.Injective function: (Set up: 3 Domain players and 2 Codomain players) Each player of the Domain team passes at most one of his or her soccer balls, or none, to a Codomain player. Each player of the Codomain team can receive at most one of a Domain player’s balls. The player can choose not to accept any at all, but he or she is not allowed to accept more than one soccer balls*.


5.Bijection: (Set up: equal number of Domain and Codomain players) Each player of the Domain team passes at one and only one of his or her soccer balls, or none, to a Codomain player. Each player of the Codomain team can receive at one and only one of a Domain player’s balls. This only applies if the Domain team and the Codomain team are the same size.



*For every relation besides bijection there are ways to set them up with different numbers of players but these are our suggested numbers


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